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Comedian Louis C. K. blithely states that divorce is always a good thing, because no good marriages end in divorce. He argues that by the time a couple decides to get divorced, things must be bad enough that the decision to split is a good one.

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We won’t comment on whether divorce is good or bad, because ultimately it depends on each couple’s unique situation. However, if you and your spouse do choose to get divorced, it is important to enter the situation with your eyes open. Here is a quick look at some of the aspects of divorce people don’t often discuss, courtesy of our Mid-Missouri divorce attorneys.

1. The More Argumentative You Are, The Longer The Process Takes.
Many people think that they have to stand up for what they deserve no matter what it takes. While it is important to ensure that your rights are protected, it is equally important to realize that the more you and your spouse argue, the longer – and more expensive – your divorce process will probably be. Before you engage in a dispute over who gets the cast iron skillet, consider the long-term impacts.

2. It Does Not Have To Take Place In A Courtroom.
The media likes to dramatize high profile divorce cases that take place in a courtroom, with the equally angry spouses each represented by a ruthless attorney. However, it is important to realize that many divorces can (and are) completed via mediation alone. Mediation is often much less time-consuming and much more affordable. If you and your spouse are willing to discuss things diplomatically, mediation may be a much more attractive option.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

3. You Should Try To Avoid Involving Your Kids As Much As Possible.
It is important to remember that while you have chosen to separate from your spouse, your children have not necessarily come to that same conclusion. Avoid talking negatively about your spouse when conversing with your children if possible, and never involve kids in divorce-related issues that do not immediately concern them.

4. Unfortunately, Involving Your Kids Is Easier Than You Think.
In addition to dividing your marital property, assets, and liabilities, you must also divide parental rights and responsibilities. You might be surprised how tempting it is to withhold custody or visitation rights in order to coerce your spouse into cooperating. However, it is important to realize that you legally cannot use these rights as leverage in an argument. In fact, doing so may hurt your own chances of being awarded custody of your children.

5. You Might Not Be Able To Trust Your Spouse.
Most of us know at least one person who has been through a nasty divorce. We have all heard the horror stories, yet many of us assume that it won’t happen to us. “Even if we end up getting divorced,” we think, “we’ll be adults about it and won’t make things harder than necessary.” Unfortunately, there is no way to predict when a divorce may turn ugly. Even if things seem cooperative now, you may be wise to follow your attorney’s recommendations for ways to protect yourself during the divorce process.

Facing A Divorce? Contact Deputy & Mizell.
If you are facing a divorce (or simply weighing your options), we encourage you to set up a consultation with one of our skilled divorce attorneys in Lebanon MO. In order that you may get to know our team and feel confident about your decision to work with us, your initial consultation is always free. Call (573) 532-2191 to schedule your consultation today.

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