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Have you ever not received that promotion you were gunning for or that job you had dreamed of? You were qualified for the position and the best candidate for it, but you STILL did not get the job. Unfortunately, gender discrimination still happens in today’s world. Deputy and Mizell sympathizes with people who have been gender discriminated against and is NOT afraid to fight for their rights. In this blog, our experienced law office at Lake of the Ozarks would like to explain what gender discrimination is, the Missouri Human Rights Act and who it protects, what types of gender discrimination exist and legal defense at the Lake of the Ozarks available to you, if you find yourself being discriminated against solely because of your gender.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks
What is Gender Discrimination?

Gender discrimination is defined as being discriminated against based on your gender, it refers to the belief that one gender is superior to the other.

The Missouri Human Rights Act & Who It Protects
The Missouri Human Rights Act protects people from discrimination based on their sex. This act protects MANY people and applies to many different types of companies. The Missouri Human Rights Act applies to any company with six or more employees, this includes state and local governments. It also applies to the following:
• “temp services”, employment agencies, and labor organizations
• Landlords, housing providers, property managers
• Anyone selling their home, realtors, loan dwelling providers
• All businesses that offer their goods and services to the general public, including state and local governments

What’s All Covered Under the Missouri Human Rights Act?

It’s against the law to discriminate against any applicant or employee for employment because of his or her sex when it comes to:
• Hiring
• Termination
• Promotion
• Compensation
• Job Training
• Any other condition related to employment
It is also against the law for property managers, housing managers, or lenders to discriminate against any tenant or applicant for housing or a mortgage loan because of his or her sex.
The Act also covers sex based discrimination including the following:
Pregnancy-based discrimination includes discrimination on the basis of childbirth, pregnancy, and related medical conditions.


All forms of compensation are covered under Compensation Discrimination, including all payments made to or on behalf of employees as compensation. This includes the following:
• Salary
• Overtime pay
• Bonuses
• Stock options
• Profit sharing
• Bonus plans
• Life insurance
• Vacation
• Holiday pay
• Cleaning allowance
• Gas allowance
• Hotel accommodations
• Reimbursement for travel expenses
• Benefits

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment qualifies as a form of sex discrimination. This includes all unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and any verbal or physical conduct of the sexual nature. The conduct qualifies as a sexual harassment when:
1. The submission to such conduct is made as a condition of an individual’s employment. For example, “If you want to continue being employed here…”
2. The submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis of different employee related decisions. For example, “If you want the promotion…”
3. The conduct creates an intimidating hostile or offensive working environment. An abusive working environment is where the sexual conduct is SO persuasive or severe.

Gender Based

This type of discrimination or harassment can include slurs or negative stereotyping of men or women directed at a female or male employee. It does not include sexual harassment.

Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Legal Defense at the Lake of the Ozarks

Seek legal help If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being gender discriminated against. It can happen to anyone at any time for any reason. Deputy and Mizell is not afraid to fight for your rights and plan the best course of action that accommodates your specific needs. We are so much more than a general practice law firm at the Lake of the Ozarks. We are a group of highly skilled and respected attorneys who focus on specific areas of the law. For a free consultation, do not hesitate to call one of our offices today.


Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC to schedule your private (FREE) consultation today.

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