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Going through a divorce with children is one of the hardest things you will ever experience.  Even if divorce is the best for both parents, it can be heartbreaking and devastating for the kids.  The more you are able to stay focused on what is best for your children and get through the process as quickly and efficiently as possible, the better it will be. 

At Deputy and Mizell our Mid-Missouri divorce attorneys understand how to guide their clients in a way that brings the least conflict as possible and results in a positive outcome.  That is why we want to share with you some things this week that you should NOT do during your child custody case because each one is likely to hurt your cause. If you are involved in a child custody case and want to be better informed to achieve the best results, keep reading this blog!


Try to Turn Your Child(ren) Against Their Other Parent

The courts will be sensitive to anything that seems to go against the court process.  If one parent is trying to influence or manipulate their child against the other parent, the court will not consider that parent to be looking out for the best interest of the child or complying with the overall process. If the child is old enough, they may be asked questions about their living environment with each parent.  The court needs to know that the child is not being used as a tool to get to the other parent.  No matter how justified it may be or seem, trying to negatively impact the way your child views the other parent is very likely to backfire on you during your child custody case. Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Let Your Emotions Get the Best of You

We know it can be a very trying time for a parent going through a child custody case.  It is painful adjusting to not getting to be with your child on a daily basis and there may be a lot of pressure from other family members who want to have time with the child. The most important thing is not what everyone thinks, but instead, what is best for your child.  Keeping a clear head and staying focused on your child’s well-being over your own feelings is essential.  You can always rely on your lawyer to help guide you on this during your child custody case. Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

Disregard Any Court Orders or Agreements

If there are court orders put in place during your case, whether you agree with them or not, complying with them completely will show the court that you are going to abide by the rules and be respectful of the process.  For example, if you are late dropping your kids off with your ex, it will reflect badly on your parenting and potentially make you look irresponsible or untrustworthy.  Now is not the time to take chances that could negatively affect your case. Deputy & Mizell, Injury Attorneys near Lake of the Ozarks

It is Really About the Kids

The more you remind yourself that this whole process is about doing what is best for your children, the better the outcome will be.  The fact that you have a child with your ex is not something that will ever change, and that child knows they are a part of both of you.  It is painful enough that his/her parents will no longer be together.  A child who feels his parents putting the need of the child before their own is more secure and able to process what is happening in a healthy way.  It is worth finding an amicable way to get through this for the sake of your kids.

Are you in need of expert legal advice when it comes to divorce and child custody?  Choosing the right divorce attorney at the Lake of the Ozarks can make a huge difference.  Your first consultation at Deputy and Mizell is always free.  We would be happy to sit down with you and discuss your situation to see how we can help.  If you are facing a child custody case in Camden County, call us today.  For more tips and announcements, you can also follow us on social media using the channels listed below.

Contact Deputy & Mizell, LLC to schedule your private (FREE) consultation today.

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                                             Lebanon: 417-532-2191                                               

Camdenton: 573-346-9990  



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